Film production for the Media Technician programme

A 360-degree interactive virtual tour based on a learning experience simulating professional film making. The action is set in a film studio. The user can walk through the different micro locations of the studio and learn about the basic components in a professional filming studio. After doing some research, we found that there is no such material yet. It is also a fact that very few students have the opportunity to enter a film studio and experience filming at a professional level.

The first objective is to orient the student in the film studio space through a simulation (online or virtual with VR glasses). There are several levels of recording, which can often be a problem. The professional level requires specific AV equipment of high price and quality, as well as precise placement of the recording AV equipment in micro-locations. The second objective is for the student to learn about the key role of a particular job or sector, the procedures and responsibilities that the sector must ensure in the recording process. The final objective is for the student to assess his/her acquired knowledge.

Authors: Alen Pavšar, Matic Holobar, Šolski center Celje

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