Interactive with 3D models for the Computer Technician programme
A team from Novo mesto has developed an app for Android devices that allows students to scan a QR code with the camera of their mobile device or a tablet provided by their school. Once they scan the QR code, a 3D AR model appears on their screen, which the students can interact with. Interactions include rotation and zooming so that students can view the modelled components from all sides. In addition to opening the model and inspecting the component in depth, students are given a choice of three buttons. Each of them leads to an online classroom where we have uploaded interactive learning materials for further reading and information and activities that can be carried out. Once the student has completed the interactive activities that have been set up for them in the Moodle classroom, they are awarded points for successfully completing the tasks. The points are added up and finally combined to allow the student to choose better components to build the computer. This introduces gamification into the overall solution, which entices students to put more effort into the activities and motivates them to keep working.
Authors: SC Novo mesto