BlendVET workshop: exploring podcasts and video production

8 March 2023

The second teacher training workshop for the EEA Grants project Blended learning in vocational education and training (BlendVET) was held at Østfold University College’s (ØUC) campus Remmen in February 2023.

ØUC collaborated with vocational- and subject teachers from the BlendVET partner schools: Åssiden videregående skole and Fagskolen i Viken for a day of practical training and pedagogical discussion. The main focus of this workshop was to further explore how podcasts and video can be implemented into a blended learning design to enhance teaching and learning. The teachers had prepared for the workshop by planning, developing and piloting a Flipped Classroom lesson design beforehand with their vocational students. We therefore spent the first half of the day discussing their experiences and sharing ideas for future lessons.

The second half of the day was all about being curious and creative and the teachers were eager to try out the greenscreen and podcast studio at UØC’s Digital Learning Lab (text in Norwegian).

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