HP5 for practical training

3 March 2023

Students and teachers at Upper-secondary VET school Koper made four educational videos that will help students gain knowledge in the field of mechanical engineering (starting a machine), car repair (changing and balancing tires), hairdressing (stepped haircuts) and computer science (video of a computer motherboard).

These are special interactive (H5P and 3D) videos, which not only contain an explanation of the above-mentioned topics, but also interactive tasks in which students must either answer questions, put the contents in the correct order, watch a new video on another web page, connect thumbnails and text, see additional explanation of the recorded topic, etc. The essence of interactive videos is the active participation of students during viewing.

The videos are recorded, edited and ready for viewing, but they will first be viewed and critically evaluated by the students who will take part in the piloting (experimental implementation of blended education) in the following months. You will then be able to try out the interactive videos yourself.

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