Project activities at School Centre Novo mesto

12 October 2023

The BlendVET project at SC Novo mesto is still going strong. They hosted a part of the international exchange and visited their partner schools in Slovenia along with our foreign partners.

In the spring they helped to write a narration for a short film about the project. During the Slovenian study visit one of the students from SC Noco mesto provided photo coverage, captured each day as it happened and posted galleries daily. Another student followed visit with each of the partners and created an aftermovie of all the events that was premiered on the last day at the CPI final meeting of the study visit.

On the project front the project team successfully finalised the study materials and the application. Students also helped create study materials and tasks used in their virtual classrooms. When everything was finished on that front, the team moved on to testing and piloting of the solution as per the strategical plan of the school.

Before the summer break the school held a workshop on creating interactive H5P video in Moodle virtual classroom.

Link study visit gallery:
Link to the aftermovie:
Link to photos of testing and piloting at SC Novo mesto:

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