- Project BlendVET / KIPSI
- Strategic framework for schools
- Pedagogical solutions
Practical e-learning solutions
- Interactive videos with H5P - two-way communication
- Video learning game for the Computer Science Technician programme
- Interactive with 3D models for the Computer Technician programme
- QR code to the world for the Tourism programme
- Podcast as an introductory motivation
- Interaction with the machine for the Technological and Industrial Production programme in collaboration with students from the Media Production programme
- Film production for the Media Technician programme
- AR Guide to CNC machine operation for the Machine Technician programme
- XR technologies in robotics education for the mechatronics technician programme
- Interactive 360° video
News and Events
- A special feature of the Icelandic education system
- Technology alone does not bring progress
- Final public event of the BlendVET project
- BlendVET project as part of the international #OurStories campaign
- Flipped learning as a blended learning method
- AI and blended learning
- Project activities at School Centre Novo mesto
- Student corner for BL
- A flying start to the final year of BlendVET
- Teacher, Think Twice!
- Digital and Innovative Conference
- Blended learning in Slovenian classrooms
- Creating videos with Edpuzzle
- An app that rewards
- Human body movement in a computer game
- BlendVET workshop: exploring podcasts and video production
- Teacher training for blended learning
- HP5 for practical training
- STPŠ Trbovlje and its digital twin
- Implementation of school strategies
- Flipped classroom
- Meeting the BlendVET teachers from Norway
- Åssiden videregående skole with e-learning solutions
- Study visit in Norway
- "Enter blended learning", 9th of December 2021, Zoom
- Contact
- Website accessibility
- Privacy policy
- Website cookies
- Sitemap