Study visit in Norway

15 April 2022

Between 4th and 8th of April 2022 we organised a study visit and partner meeting in Norway. We visited partner schools Fagskolen i Viken and Åssiden videregående skole. 

At upper-secondary VET school in Åssiden we visited students and teachers in school workshops, where they introduced us, how they managed the epidemic with the use of blended learning approaches. At higher VET school (Fagskolen i Viken) epidemic also contributed to the development of distance education, although it was not a completely new approach for them. High school students in Norway are mostly employed adults, who fulfil school obligations in the evenings and on weekends and mostly at a distance. They presented examples of blended learning in the industry 4.0 laboratory, and as instructions of mathematics and vocational subject for nurses. Representatives of school management, local stakeholders and the Østfold University contributed with the presentations of approaches to the strategic development in the field of blended learning in Norway.



  1. BlendVetUNAKDistance
  2. Practice of blended learning in Mathematics teaching Sigmund Sundfør shared
  3. FiV Blendvet 04052022 – Eirik Hågensen
  4. Practice of blended learning in Industry 4.0 laboratory
  5. Assiden Presentation of the school
  6. SCCelje-Strategy-case study
  7. The state of digitalization in Norway_Kongsberg visit
  8. Practice of blended learning in surgical activities and teaching

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